Friday, February 28, 2020


Yes, there is such a thing as waiting too long to file a Social Security disability claim.  You earn coverage for SSDI by paying Social Security tax.  This tax is called FICA and it is collect by payroll deduction.  When you stop working you stop paying FICA tax and the countdown begins to ends your coverage under Social Security.

For most persons, you continue to be covered for SSDI (disability) for about 5 years after you stop working.  Then, you reach what is called your Date Last Insured or DLI.  This is the date when you are no longer covered for new SSDI claims.

Unfortunately, we talk to individuals every day who need to file a new disability claim.  However, they haven't worked in several years and they are no longer eligible for SSDI benefits, which requires some recent work.

The general rule of thumb is:  You must have worked at least 5 years out of the most recent 10 year period.  (This rule is relaxed for younger persons who aren't old enough to meet this requirement).

Are you still covered?  The sure way to find out is to call your local Social Security office and ask.  

If you think you may be disabled, you should explore filing a new claim right away.  The longer you delay the greater the risk that you will lose your covered status with Social Security.  

Social Security is a type of insurance.  It is disability insurance mandated and sold by the US government.  It covers only workers.  It comes with a beginning date and ending date, just like all other insurance.  You paid for it through payroll deduction at work.  It expires at some point after you stop working.

FICA stands for Federal Insurance Contribution Act.  It is the tax that pays for Social Security and Medicare.  Almost every worker pays FICA by payroll deduction.  Look at your pay stub.  See the amount deducted for FICA?  That's your Social Security tax.  It has been a required federal withholding tax since 1935.

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