Friday, February 28, 2020


Let's talk about two numbers.  The maximum SSDI benefit in 2020 and the average SSDI benefit in 2020.

Maximum disability benefit:  $3,011 per month.

Average disability benefit:    $1,258 per month

Your actual monthly benefit is calculated using your lifetime earnings as a guide.  The longer you have worked and the higher your earnings have been, the higher your benefit will be.

Thus, an individual with a high paying job who has worked for 30 years will have a higher benefit than someone with a sporadic history of low-paying jobs.

The next question:  How do you qualify for SSDI benefits?

You must have a severe impairment, lasting at least 12 straight months, which renders you unable to perform any full time work.  Also, the impairment(s) must be medically proven.  There must be doctor's records to show the nature and severity of the ailments that prevent working.

Over 75 percent of applications are initially denied. The first appeal (called "Reconsideration") is also usually denied.

The second appeal takes you before an administrative law judge for a hearing.  The average approval rate at the hearing level is about 45 percent.

If you would like a free case evaluation please contact an experienced disability advocate with a local firm, such as the Forsythe Firm in Huntsville.

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